Private Property and the Public Interest: (Re)Telling the Stories of Principles, Places, and PartiesBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksMary Jane Mossman
Public Lending Right Program Public Lending Rights Public Letter of Reprimand Public Level Crossing Public Liability and Property Damage public liability insurance public liability insurance Public Liberty Radio Public libraries Public Libraries and Adult Independent Learners Public Libraries as Partners in Yout...
The concept of private property and its evolution in the municipal private law of different States have been the subject of a considerable amount of study.3 A certain amount of similar research, although less extensive, has also been carried out within m
PRIVATE PROPERTY, PUBLIC INTEREST, AND THE ROLE OF THE STATE IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY BRITAIN: THE... Determines the role of the state in 19th century Great Britain by studying the appropriation of private property, particularly lighthouses. State's acquisi......
Private property right serves private benefits, while public property right serves public benefits.However,based on a re-understanding of the nature and function of property right subject,any proprietary subject enjoys both private and pubic benefits at the same time.There exists,therefore,apparent oppo...
INTERESTS, RIGHTS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE: PROPERTY, INTERESTS, RIGHTS.PUBLIC AND PRIVATE: PROPERTY, INTERESTS, RIGHTS.Invites to submit papers about the property, interests and rights of the public and private sectors for the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Applied Philosophy in May30-June...
Land: Private Property and Public ControlBryant, R W GBryant, R. (1973). Land: Private Property and Public Control. Montreal, Harvest House.
a公共产权和私人产权两种产权制度下会对分散化的决策主体以及市场均衡产生什么不同的影响? What different influence the public property right and under the personal property right two property right systems can balanced has to the decentralized policy-making main body as well as the market?[translate]...
private property right coercively based on the operation of nation's supreme power according to legal procedure this is the pattern of public right infringement Therefore according to what is regulated on Article 15 of the Constitution of the Republic of China legal infringement of private property ...
Purpose ‐ The aim of the research is to examine the legal ideologies of planning law proposed by Patrick McAuslan in 1980 and their operation in one key aspect of modern-day planning law in England and Wales in order to assess the balance between these ideologies today. Design/methodology/ap...