In developing and implementing public relations plans, companies often use a simple five-step process: research or fact finding, planning, action, communication, and evaluation. A classic example of public relation at work is McDonald’s. it has always been important to McDmald’s to be known...
Public sentiment towards the police is a matter of great interest in the United States, as reports on police misconduct are increasingly being published in mass and social media. Here, we test how the public’s perception of the police can be majorly sha
these reports began as a platform to highlight corporate philanthropy but have evolved to include corporate performance on environmental measures (waste, water, and pollution) and on social impacts such as workforce well-being, diversity and equality practices, labor and management relations, human rig...
From a proactive media relations standpoint it remains the same as it always has –– what outlet is most appropriate/relevant for the compelling message or story. The outlet of choice may change but the idea of making sure you are getting the right message to the right outlet remains intact...
European Commission (2023) Monitoring the level of financial literacy in the EU, Country Factsheet: Italy. Flash Eurobarometer 525 Report, Brussels European Supervisory Authorities (Esas) (2023) Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities. Thematic Report on National Financial Education Initiat...
They may put in less effort, and exploit corruption opportunities, which may be particularly appealing to them, due to their relations with the politicians. The aim of this paper is to analyze both theoretically and empirically how voters’ information and a corrupt environment impact on efficiency...
of 16 objectives and 33 strategic actions distributed by five thematic areas: (1) Promoting an inclusive organisational culture; (2) Work-life balance; (3) Balanced careers and decision-making processes and bodies; (4) Gender integration into teaching, research and external relations; and (5) ...
which is why an IPO is often referred to as "going public." It's an opportunity for a company to raise significant capital—to help it fund new growth, for example, or pay off debt. And it allows private investors, like founders, angel investors, and family members, to cash out, ofte...
A special purpose vehicle (SPV) is typically created for a limited task to help isolate risk with a transaction or an asset. For example, an SPV might be established for a subsidiary of a larger corporation. The balance sheet of the SPV is separate from the larger entity, which can...
Physical inactivity is one of the major risk factors for developing several chronic illnesses. However, despite strong evidence indicating the health benefits of physical activity, many university staff and students tend to be physically inactive. Univer