public relations pl.n.Abbr.PR 1.(used with a sing. verb)The art or science of establishing and promoting a favorable relationship with the public. 2.(used with a pl. verb)The methods and activities employed to establish and promote a favorable relationship with the public. ...
Public Relations Association of Louisiana Public Relations Boutiques International Public Relations Centre Public Relations Committee Public Relations Consultants Association Public Relations Consultants Association of India Public Relations Consultants Association of Nigeria Public Relations Council of Alabama Public ...
public relations n(functioning as singular or plural) 1.(Marketing) a.the practice of creating, promoting, or maintaining goodwill and a favourable image among the public towards an institution, public body, etc b.the methods and techniques employed ...
public relations (redirected fromPublic Relations Agency Role) Dictionary Financial </>embed</> packaging publicity promotional m... promotion PR public rel... noun Synonyms for public relations nouna promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution ...
first meeting with public defenders under the new law, which gives him more control over the state public defense budget, he warned of the cuts on the horizon—to the point of even encouraging district defenders to open private practices to supplement their income, as the Louisiana Illuminator ...
Louisiana State University, state system of higher education in Louisiana, U.S. It consists of nine academic institutions in five cities. The main campus is located in Baton Rouge.
Louisiana Highway Safety Commission announces availability of grants Grants are being offered to local, parish and state agencies; non-profit organizations; universities or other institutions of higher learning; local school boards or schools; corporations; hospitals; highway safety advocacy groups; indivi...
"Local broadcasters served as ’first informers’ and saved countless lives as Harvey and Irma tore through Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and the Southeast," said NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith. "Now, our attention turns to the long recovery ahead. I’m so proud of the generosity and compa...
Holly Hansen Public Relations works closely with each brand to create solid communication strategies that will produce measurable results in media outlets.
there are no state public lands. Seven of the original states ceded their western lands to the federal government when they entered the Union. Additional public land was acquired with the Louisiana Purchase (1803), Florida (1819), Oregon (1846), the Mexican Cession (1848), the Gadsden Purchas...