Florida’s Public Records Law. DB shall comply with Florida’s Records Law including; 19.4.1 Keeping and maintaining public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the OWNER in orde...
Finally, greater use and integration of shared electronic medical records made possible through Internet technology will provide considerable benefit in tracking emerging risks.” (Pg. 8) Public Health, Anthrax, CDC, Bioterrorism, Biosurveillance Editors,“Systematic Review: Surveillance Systems for Early...
Pursuant to Section 119.12, Florida Statutes, the contact information for the City’s custodian of public records is to be prominently posted in the building where the City of Okeechobee’s public records are routinely created, sent, received, maintained, and requested.The location and contact ...
Exemptions that frequently apply to University of Central Florida records include but are not limited to: a. Academic evaluations of faculty b. Student records pursuant to the federal and state Buckley Amendments, also known as the FERPA exemption c. Social security numbers d. Certain types of ...
Florida has some of the nation’s strongest open-records and open-meetings laws, but that did not stop lawmakers from trying to tinker with them. This year, they passed 19 new exemptions to the Sunshine Law, the second most in at least two decades. The details of how public universities ...
Then, on NBC’s Meet the Press December 3, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis offered“We need to have a healthcare plan that works,”Obamacare hasn’t worked. We are going to replace and supersede with a better plan….a totally different healthcare plan… big institutions that are causing pri...
Law From frontier paradigm to modern public policy| The development of homestead and property exemption law in TexasFloridaand Alaska THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Neil T. Jumonville MillerEric HThis paper argues the creation and development of homestead and personal property exemptions in state ...
Confidential commercial information means records provided to the govern- ment by a submitter that arguably contain material exempt from release under Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4), be- cause disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause substantial compet...
HUD attorneys did write an analysis, however. The Oregonian/OregonLive received the memo 11 months after filing an open records request. The subject line: “HUD Obligations and Responsibilities regarding Radon.” The contents? Unknown. HUD blanked out all 10 pages, citing an exemption that walls...
Urban green spaces are important for human health, but they may expose visitors to tick-borne diseases. This not only presents a potential public health challenge but also undermines the expected public health gains from urban green spaces. The aim of th