Public Prompts这样的在线资源库将持续更新,提供更为丰富的提示词和资源,以适应快速变化的市场需求。与此同时,AI工具的应用场景也将进一步扩展,带来更多创新机遇。 业内专家预测,到2030年,人工智能将成为推动全球经济增长的主要动力之一。由此可见,掌握高效的AI工具和资源如Public Prompts,将为未来的竞争提供强大的支持。
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Public Prompts 介绍 官网地址: 提供预训练的#AI绘图#模型和#提示词##prompt#生成的网站 Public Prompts 是一个在线平台, 专注于收集和分享创意写作、艺术创作等领域的启发性提示(prompts)。这些提示旨在激发用户的创造力, 帮助他们在写作、绘画、音乐创作等方面找到灵感。平台鼓励用户提交...
publicprompts官网: publicprompts怎么样? 使用Public Prompts 非常简便。你只需要登录到基于网页的用户界面,即可轻松访问并使用这个强大的工具。界面友好、直观,让你省去了繁琐的操作步骤,专注于创作的过程。无论你是一位职业作家、学生、创业者,还是只是想要在业余时间写点什么,Public Prompt...
Collection of Public, Free, High Quality Prompts Browse The Site Models Prompts Embeddings Models Library Fine-Tuned Model Flexible Diffusion model DreamBooth Model Synthwave (DreamBooth model) DreamBooth Model All in one Pixel Art (DreamBooth Model) DreamBooth Model Borderlands (DreamBooth model) Dr...
(Mathiyazhagan in Overcome COVID-19: Creative expressions of young people 2020), and centres around a 21-day digital autoethnographic collaborative online experiment in which over 165 participants from 26 countries responded to daily prompts in a range of affective and creative modalities, to ...
A custom script for AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui to implement a tiny template language for random prompt generation - sd-dynamic-prompts/collections/publicprompts.yaml at main · adieyal/sd-dynamic-prompts
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Brauner et al. surveyed the public perception of artificial intelligence as a novel technology but applied and contrasted it in various fields (e.g., impact on the job market, creation of art, or the downfall of society). The participants rated for each topic if the development will likely ...