Though the substantive intents of major policies adopted during this decade were in rhythm with the post independence imperatives, policy making approaches had a partisan, temperamental, exclusionary, hurried, and short-term bent.Gideon ZhouZhou, G. and Zvoushe, H. (2012) Public Policy Making ...
How do CSOs advocate and contribute towards the formulation of human rights policies? Is the environment conducive for the CSOs participation in the advocacy and formulation of these policies in Zimbabwe? What are the impediments to the effective participation of CSOs in policy making processes in ...
In view of this, it is clear that effective public procurement regulation is a critical tool in public administration. This paper explores Zimbabwe's public procurement law and policy, arguing that relevant laws and policies should, as a matter of principle, create a transparent procurement system...
underpinned by appropriate policies and choice of the most cost-effective interventions, which should be implemented efficiently. At the level of the citizen, the impact of public financial resource management is felt through the quality of service delivery. ...
The Zimbabwean government has difficulties attracting international lines of credit due to indebtedness a reason that explains a shift towards pro-private investment policies in water and sanitation. Similarly, the IMF (2006), using count and censored regression analysis provided empirical evidence of ...
Theory and practice in the water sector reforms in Zimbabwe: A comparative study of Harare and Masvingo local authorities. This study is an analysis of the implementation of the Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) public policies relating to potable water supply in Zimbabwe using Harare and...
Consequently, they should formulate, facilitate and implement appropriate policies that promote joint ventures with the private sector. The private sector is technically equipped and financially resourced; it can stimulate innovation and improve productivity, wealth creation and distribution – critical ...
The function of SAQA is to formulate and publish policies and criteria for the accreditation of bodies responsible for monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of the standards and qualifications. See B.J. Swanepoel, South African Human Resource Management (Cape Town: Juta & Company, 1998). ...
Chivange argues that waste generators need to grow more aware of the potential value of waste materials while producers need to create incentives for consumers to adhere to waste regulation policies set and enforced by local authorities. European countries such as Germany have successfully im...
Colonial Office and Ministry of Information written and film archives in London,Zimbabwe andZambia demonstrates how colonial officials in an Africa colony in conjunction with civil servants atthe Colonial Office in London developed and implemented public relations policies,strategies and...