Fiji in the last 2 fiscal years has accessed over $900 million in concessional debt from the World Bank IDA and Japan International Cooperation Agency. Gounder says having access to the highly concessional financing during this challenging period has greatly ...
FijiUndoubtedly, public enterprise reforms have taken the world by storm. Likewise, Fiji is no exception. This island nation has witnessed economic recession and structural adjustment policies since 1987. Local authors assert that the reasons behind reforms in Fiji involve a combination of internal as...
In response, public health experts have provided important technical analysis to inform the drafting of trade agreements and trade-related policies in ways that can mitigate impacts on health [8,9]. Indeed, trade can have positive impacts for health, depending on the specifics. Yet, despite accu...
Dynamic capabilities;Fiji;Operational capabilities;Public administration Definition The dynamic capability view involves sensing opportunities and threats, seizing opportunities, and creating and maintaining competitiveness with reconfiguration. DCV helps explain how firms cope with changing environments. Introduction ...
Public capital stocks in roads continue to increase but marginal increase rate will decrease and will diminish an increase rate of production. Maintaining public capital stocks by any counter measures is highly needed for sustainable growth of economy. Different policies on budget source for such ...
25 Policies that reduce incentives to adapt or that lock in only one adaptation pathway, restricting future actions, are also examples of maladaptation. Such negative effects can be seen in the case of the seawalls on Vanua Levu, Fiji, which were designed as a shield agai...
State policies and programs that address the needs of mentally ill mothers in the public sector. OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to determine whether state departments of mental health have specific policies and programs addressing the needs of mentally ... J Nicholson,JL Geller,WH Fisher,... - ...
Fiji (FJ) n/a n/a Global Finland (FI) EMEA EMEA Global France (FR) EMEA EMEA Global French Guiana (GF) n/a n/a Global French Polynesia (PF) n/a n/a Global French Southern Territories (TF) n/a n/a Global Gabon (GA) n/a n/a Global Gambia (GM) n/a n/a Global...
s public service reforms were adopted in the early 1990s as part of a broader shift in the development policy towards private sector-led and export-oriented growth strategy (Government of Fiji1993). Part of this policy focused on the implementation of the NPM principles in all government ...
Kumar says policies and procedures of the Authority indicated that the Authority was giving preference for lots to customers who indicated financing the purchase of lot and construction of homes, allocation of more than one lot to same customer, customers wh...