Phillips Petroleum Company Iran v. The Islamic Republic of Iran, The National Iranian Oil Company, Partial Award (29 June 1989), 21 Iran–US CTR 79, para. 76. 21. White Industries Australia Limited v. The Republic of India, UNCITRAL, Final Award (30 Nov 2011), para. 12.3.2. 22. On...
(petroleum), LD50 Dermal light aromatic LD50 Oral 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene LC50 Inhalation Vapour LD50 Oral carbon black LD50 Oral Rabbit Rat Rabbit Rat Rabbit Rat Rat Rat Rat 23000 mg/kg 15000 mg/kg 16000 mg/kg >60000 mg/kg 3.48 g/kg 8400 mg/kg 18000 mg/m³ 5 g/kg >10 g/kg ...