We argue that although these trends have arisen as worthwhile responses to actual health needs, it is important to remember the key role that public health campaigns can play in the promotion of national health, especially in developing nations…. , we argue that there is an important role ...
public relations- a promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution PR promotion,promotional material,publicity,packaging- a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution; "the packaging of new ideas" ...
microsoft-edge-relnote-mobile-stable-channel.md microsoft-edge-relnote-stable-channel.md microsoft-edge-relnotes-security.md microsoft-edge-roadmap.md microsoft-edge-security-browse-safer.md microsoft-edge-security-cert-verification.md microsoft-edge-security-dlp.md microsoft-edge-secu...
AdInspectorError Overview AdInspectorErrorCode AdListener AdLoadCallback AdLoader Overview Builder AdRequest Overview Builder AdSize AdValue Overview PrecisionType AdView AdapterResponseInfo BaseAdView FullScreenContentCallback LoadAdError MediaAspectRatio MediaContent MediationUtils MobileAds MuteThisAdL...
areacode_basic_info_2020: stores the basic information about administrative, urban, and rural division codes in 2020. phoneno_basic_info_2020: stores the basic information about mobile phone number attribution in 2020. Update cycle movie_basic_info and movie_box: Data in date-specific partitions...
promotion administrat promotion and applica promotion family prop promotion of converge promotion personnel promotion profession promotion skills and promotional film promotional immunity promotional value promotionaly allowanc promotionsmanager prompt neutron spectr prompt of insufficien prompt password prompt...
mobilenumber 型 phone プロパティ create、filter、group、nillable、sort、update 说明 苦情者の携帯番号。 name 型 string プロパティ autonumber、defaulted on create、filter、idlookup、sort 说明 苦情者の名前。 ownerid 型 reference プロパティ create、defaulted on creat...
International Journal of Library and Information Services Volume 9 • Issue 1 • January-June 2020 Survey of Reading Promotion of Public Libraries in China Junling Zhao, Hebei University, Tianjin, China Wenxian Ge, Hebei University, Baoding, China ABSTRACT Reading promotion is a key service ...
There are a large number of netizens participating in the evolution of network public view, especially in the promotion of network public view in public health emergencies. Because such incidents cause strong psychological panic among netizens, when such incidents are exposed on the Internet, it ...
2, 21.87% of frequent travelers identified before the pandemic still frequently accessed transit service in September 2020 using the same identity (smartcards or mobile phones). We classify subjects into four groups, commuters (36%), elderly (5.4%, above 60 years old), students (4.2%), and ...