Twitter Google Share on Facebook Public Lending Right (redirected fromPublic Lending Rights) n (LibraryScience&Bibliography)therightofauthorstoreceivepaymentwhentheirbooksareborrowedfrompubliclibraries.Abbreviation:PLR CollinsEnglishDictionary–CompleteandUnabridged,12thEdition2014©HarperCollinsPublishers1991,1994,...
2.(Marketing) the condition of the relationship between an organization and the public 3.(Marketing) the professional staff employed to create, promote, or maintain a favourable relationship between an organization and the public Abbreviation:PR ...
(A,B,C,D,E) A Forest plot of compression rate, B Forest plot of compression depath of 5–6 cm, C forest plot of correct location for chest compression(Mid-Chest), D Forest plot of abbreviation of BLS, E Forest plot of correct sequence of CPR Full size image Correct compression depth...
As the reviews in Chapter 2, The Economics of Public Goods and Club Goods, and Chapter 3, The Economics of Global-Scale Public Goods: Key Challenges and Theories, clarified, a private good is an abbreviation of a private consumption good while a public good is an abbreviation of a public ...
Data Access Abbreviation Get abbreviations and meanings X-Mashape-Key Yes Data Access CARTO Location Information Prediction apiKey Yes Data Access United States ham radio callsigns No Yes Data Acc...
In 1993, Ambros and Ruvkun respectively published papers to explain this amazing control process. They found that the lin-4 RNA is like a key that can perfectly match certain parts of the messenger RNA (i.e., mRNA, note that its abbreviation is easily confused with microRNA) produced by ...
Write out the full term for each abbreviation at its first use unless it is a standard unit of measure; include the abbreviation or acronym in parentheses after the first mention such as the National Instant Check System (NCIS).Please provide a list of all abbreviations used in the manuscript...
Specifically, using the Python Library snscrape71, which relies on Twitter’s dedicated application programming interface (API), we scraped geo-located tweets for all the 20 metropolitan areas. The keywords used in the search included “police," “cop," and the abbreviation of the police ...
MeDAL - A large medical text dataset curated for abbreviation disambiguation - Medical [...] [Meta] Medicare Coverage Database (MCD), U.S. [Meta] Medicare Data Engine of Data [Meta] Medicare Data File [Meta] Nightingale Open Science [Meta] Number of Ebola Cases and Deaths in...
Science, medicine, engineering, etc. Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. See otherdefinitions of MPHP Other Resources: We have 22 othermeanings of MPHPin our Acronym Attic Link/Page Citation Abbreviation Database Surfer « Previous ...