law : diagrams for each answer work to illuminate difficult legal principles and provide overviews of how model answers are structured Books in the series are also supported by a Companion Website that offers online essay-writing tutorials, podcasts, bonus Q&As and multiple-choice questions to ...
state and local law enforcement, and public safety—or areas where policymakers think the uninterrupted supply of efficient services to the public is essential for the fulfillment of government objectives of good governance—e.g., the provision of utility services, including water, electricity, mass ...
The blurring of traditional boundaries between public and private provokes questions regarding democracy, legitimacy, and accountability, or in other wordspublic responsibility. The increased collaborative nature of public service delivery—through contracts or by co-creation—changes relationships, tasks, resp...
This knowledge is important for the business and human rights field for two reasons. First, it informs debates in the business and human rights literature, and amongst policymakers, regarding the right balance between ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ law approaches to the regulation of MNE human rights cond...
“Blake fix” earlier this year. Instead, it empowers City Attorney Ann Davison to prosecute people for using or possessing drugs in public; without the new law, only the King County Prosecutor’s Office could do so, and they have historically shown little interest in spending scarce county ...
Hume and Selbybigge (1999) and Pham and Dinh (2020) argued that informal rules, although not mandatory, are also the basis for public–public collaboration acquiesced to by government agencies due to the ambiguity of the law. Similarly, path dependence also affects governance effectiveness in ...
The core of these regulations is that orders in one country are “entitled to recognition and enforcement by operation of law in the territory of the other”. What of the 13 with “reciprocity” in the title? 12 of them are health and social welfare provisions. It is quite clear that ...
However, many questions remain unanswered about the evolution of cooperation. Here, we focus on the combination problem between structures and incentives. A public goods game (PGG)6,7 is a challenging social dilemma to resolve due to free riding issues, and thus has been dealt with in many ...
Before his current position, he held various research appointments in Amsterdam (mathematics), Utrecht (geography), and Rotterdam (law and psychology). His research interests include spatial aspects of crime, rational choice theory of rule compliance, statistics in the courtroom, and relationship ...
address this concern, U.S. President Joe Biden signed a historic $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill into law on November 15, 2021. The bill is expected to revolutionize American lives for years to come by upgrading the country’s roads, bridges, water systems and broadband. Similarly, the ...