在Oracle中,RAC中的Public IP、Private IP、Virtual IP、SCAN IP、GNS VIP及HAIP的作用分别是什么? ♣答案部分 从Oracle 11g开始,安装RAC至少需要7个IP地址,两块网卡(一块公网网卡,一块私网网卡),其中public、vip和scan都在同一个网段,使用的是公网网卡,private在另一个网段,使用的是私网网卡。主机名不能包...
VIP和PUBLIC IP最主要的不同之处在于:VIP是浮动的,而PUBLIC IP是固定的。在所有节点都正常运行时,每个节点的VIP会被分配到public NIC上;在linux下ifconfig查看,public网卡上是2个IP地址;如果一个节点宕机,这个节点的VIP会被转移到还在运行的节点上。也就是幸存的节点的public NIC这个网卡上,会有3个IP地址。 VIP...
1. private IP address is used only for internal clustering processing (Cache Fusion) 私有IP用于心跳同步,这个对于用户层面,可以直接忽略,简单理解,这个Ip用来保证两台服务器同步数据用的私网IP。 2. VIP is used by database applications to enable fail over when one cluster node fails 虚拟IP用于客户端...
public 公共IP地址,就是你要对外提供服务的IP。private 私有IP地址,用于RAC内部之间通信。vip 虚拟IP地址,主要用于网络出现故障时进行IP地址漂移。
RAC:UDP 多网卡绑定:Linux(bonding)、Solaris(链路聚合)、AIX(EtherChannel) Oracle 建议 private network 至少配置 1GB 的网络 1、GB 级以太网卡 2、Infiniband (Oracle Exadata 解决方案),协议栈比 TCP/IP 少,消耗的CPU 资源少,价格昂贵。 私有网络的OS系统参数调整: ...
Yes, private IP addresses are traceable, but only by other devices on your local network. Each device connected to your local network has a private IP address, and each device’s private IP address can be seen only by other devices within that network. But unlike the public IP address that...
记录使用以下的代码获取Azure VM中的IP地址 但是,结果却没有能成功。 遇见问题: 通过Bing搜索查找,怀疑是packages中版本冲突引起。参考链接: https:...
In Azure, you can use two types of IP addresses: Public IP addresses Private IP addresses You can allocate both types of IP addresses in one of two ways: Dynamic Static Let's take a closer look at how the IP address types work together. ...
As for most aspects, the Private IP address is the same as a public IP address. It is a unique identifier for all the devices behind a router or other devices that servers IP address. With the private IP address, the devices in your home are able to have the same private IP address ...