public int a; 这个是一个共有字段, 带上 {get;set;} 就变成属性了,属性是对字段的封装 如果是一般的使用,在效果上看起来是没有区别的,但是属性的底层实现,他会给你添加一个私有的字段,然后实现get和set 属性在有些地方是字段无法取代的,比如一些绑定之类的操作要求必须是属性才可以 ...
public int x {get;private set;}是另一种简写, set前面的private声明是告诉编译器属性X是只读(read-only)的. 意思是对于外部类不能通过属性X给x赋值,而只能读取其值。
后一种是不正确的。public int i{set;get;}这是属性声明的简写形式,完整的是:private int i;public int I{set{i=value}get{return i}}
especially on the complete end-to-end path between a service producer and its consumer. Several solutions are available in the literature and in actual protocol and architecture specifications (e.g., IntServ and DiffServ architectures; see, e.g.,[57]for a brief introduction). However, these ...
public abstract int idleTimeoutInMinutes() Returns: 空闲连接超时设置 (分钟)ipAddress public abstract String ipAddress() Returns: 分配的 IP 地址ipAllocationMethod public abstract IPAllocationMethod ipAllocationMethod() Returns: 静态/动态) (IP 地址分配方法ipTags public abstract List ipTags() Returns:...
PublicClientApplication#create(Context, int, ApplicationCreatedListener) will read the client id and other configuration settings from the file included in your application's resources. Note: The Context should be the application context instead of the running activity's cont...
Get the access level on this object for the specified user. java.util.Date getExpirationDate() Returns the expiration date set for this object Family getFamily() Returns the Family with which this object is associated. int getFlags() Gets the flags bitmask. SortSpecification getFolderReferen...