38. The Covid-Is-Not-Over Newsletter Blog https://johndupuis.substack.com + Follow Blog Readings and resources brought to you by John Dupuis, Scholarly Publishing Librarian and Engineering Liaison Librarian, York University. Frequency 1 post/week Read Now Get Email Contact 39. Healthscaping...
Brownstein and Boston Children’s Hospital have teamed with Harvard Medical School,SurveyMonkey, and Tableau to createOutbreaks Near Me(formally COVID Near You), an effort to collect and visualize crowdsourced data on the pandemic in the US. While the recently renamed Outbreaks Near Me ha...
At the time of writing, the pandemic has been ongoing for more than two years, with much mental and physical fatigue felt by the general population [13]. Given the growing mental health concerns related to COVID-19 and suicide, and to aid in suicide prevention during this protracted pandemic...
The best example of practical engineering controls is ventilation with a physical barrier that enables negative pressure isolation and quarantine rooms [148]. Typically, most hospital rooms are not equipped with filters such as high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA). Such air filters are applicable ...
COVID-19 Reported Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity by Facility - The following dataset [...] [Meta] Composition of Foods Raw, Processed, Prepared USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard [...] [Meta] The COVID Tracking Project - The COVID Tracking Project collects and publishes the ...
While case counts were an early key indicator, there has been a general shift to measures such as hospital and intensive care unit occupancy, reflecting the change in priority from eliminating COVID-19 altogether to reducing and managing the health care system burden. It was also suggested by ...
There is high post-hospital discharge mortality among persons with HIV who are hospitalized, and post-hospital survival is strongly associated with early HIV clinic linkage, clinic attendance, and antiretroviral therapy adherence. The Daraja intervention
is a system that stresses Prevention. Keep as many people healthy and out of the E R and hospital as possible. Take the stress off Health Care Workers. And put together a system that serves the Public (not just those with good insurance), eliminating the profit motive which thrives on adm...
COVID-19 is a highly spreadable viral infection, reported first in Wuhan, China in December 2019 which spreads worldwide later. The pathogen of this disease is SARS-CoV virus. World Health Organization announced first the name of this new disease and declared this outbreak as a Public Health ...
Despite this, faecal-derived aerosols in patients' toilets contained most of the detected SARS-CoV-2 in one hospital (Ding et al., 2020). Outside hospitals, two linked studies investigated use of open latrines (no flushing system) and identified a cluster of seropositive Covid-19 patients ...