During the investigation, the court will analyze various, if not all documentation coming from the company, and a statistician will do the same. All these data are given in a much less complicated form than the financial statements needed by the investor. Because of the aforementioned ...
All methodological and analytical steps were discussed and alternative interpretations sought with the assisting anthropologist, an additional anthropologist not involved in the project and a statistician. Disagreements concerning the focus groups were solved using Spradley's analytical process of resolution ...
Another important note: I’m not an immunologist or a statistician and ask folks to correct things I’ve undoubtedly gotten wrong. Disclaimer: I consult in a limited capacity for AstraZeneca on matters completely unrelated to their vaccine program. I have no financial interests in any individual...
Great job on giving us take home messages of what the data analyst’s job will be versus the sampling statistician’s job, in order to help us not get too overwhelmed.” Nicholas Hollman University of Oklahoma Health Science Center "I have five more manuscripts in the pipeline because of ...
Prevention of alcohol, drug and tobacco misuse by young people is a key public health priority. There is a need to develop the evidence base through rigorous evaluations of innovative approaches to substance misuse prevention. The Strengthening Families
arm allocation. Researchers were not blind to treatment allocation as they were responsible for contacting men to remind them of appointments. Both statisticians were subgroup blind (only aware of coded trial arm membership) until database lock with the senior statistician remaining blind during ...