Public health laws were among the earliest topics for legislation in the American colonies and the primacy of state authority in this area has continued into the present. One major change has been that, with the increasing attention to individual rights and liberties since the 1950s, public healt...
Public health data signals a genuine crisis in adolescent mental health: rising rates of anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. But as we worry about tweens and teens who are struggling, we can’t ignore another mounting effect — the burdens that are shouldered by their friends and peers in ...
To assess the criterion validity of a dietary screener questionnaire adapted for Asian Americans (ADSQ) compared to Automated Self-Administered 24-Hour Dietary Assessment Tool (ASA-24) food diary data amongst Chinese American Adults (CHAs). The ADSQ incorporated example ethnic foods from six Asian...
The adoption of a healthy lifestyle plays a crucial role for the health and well-being of health care professionals. Previous e- and mHealth interventions relied on deliberative psychological processes (e.g., intention, planning) to target lifestyle chan
The general fund is an example of a governmental fund. This is the main operating fund of a government. Special revenue funds, capital project funds, and debt service funds are other examples of governmental funds. Proprietary - Proprietary funds are business-type funds that use the accrual ...
will bring a unique perspective to the program and contribute to adiverseand inclusive Michigan Public Health community. Please also discuss and explain any unusual patterns or anomalies in your academic or professional record (for example, gaps in work or education, or a poor semester performance)...
According to the most recent estimates reported by the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.4 billion individuals (or 27.5% of adults) do not engage in the required physical activity [1]. However, physical inactivity differs from being sedentary. Sedentary behavior (SB) is defined as any sedentary...
The purpose of the title is to communicate the most important overall conclusion of the paper in a single sentence. Titles should be a statement of the main findings. For example, instead of: `Investigating the efficacy of financial incentives to stop smoking in pregnancy? use `Financial incenti...
For example, in relation to the NHS-Amazon data sharing deal, the UK’s Department of Health claimed that the contract could not be made public because this might ‘prejudice the commercial interests of Amazon’ (Privacy International 2019). The statement went on to explain that ‘The public ...
Internationally, there is a body of evidence which uses health economic measurement techniques that capture the social value of investing in public health [1, 8–10]. For example, the impact on in- equalities, local employment, health and well-being, community development, social capital and ...