Public Health Agency of Canada, 52 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5B4 (Tataryn)Rosario, Carlos OrtizMusser, Margaret L.Yuan, LignanMochel, Jonathan P.Talbott, JessicaJohannes, Chad M.Berger, Erika P.Canadian Veterinary Journal / Revue Vétérinaire Canadienne...
2]. Public health is tasked with assessing the needs of the communities they serve and implementing programs, services, and policies that align with community priorities to prevent injury, illness, and premature death
Social isolation and loneliness (SIL) are pervasive and serious public health concerns associated with numerous detrimental physical and mental health outcomes, including mortality [1,2,3,4]. Associations also extend to adverse impacts on prosocial behavior (e.g., volunteering), social participation, ...