还有就是BS, 如 U at Buffalo, Oregon State U,但数量又少一点了。另外还有JD以及MD,都是在公卫学院里面的交叉科目的产物,因此数量也达到了珍稀的级别,很少见有该学位的学校。其实,在美国能见度最高的公卫学位就是MPH,Dr.PH, PhD,除了上述所列之外,还有一些管理学位,比如Master of Health Administration(MHA)...
Ohio State University 29 Oregon Health & Science University/Portland State University 29 San Diego State University 29 Temple University 29 University of California--Davis 29 University of Massachusetts--Amherst 29 University of South Florida 29 ...
This presentation will focus on how the public health system in Oregon is working to integrate into the state's healthy systems transformation. The presentation will highlight best practices and tools and resources that public health practitioners in other states may find useful. The presentation ...
Oregon State University's online master's degree in public health practice requires 56 quarter-system credits and can be completed in two to seven years, depending on whether students attend full-time or part-time. While international students must submit English proficiency exam scores, no general...
public.health.oregon.gov Public Health Division Home We envision an Oregon where every community is empowered to improve the lifelong health of all people in Oregon. http://public.health.oregon.gov/ SHARE OVERVIEW OF public.health.oregon.gov ...
The Public Health Service of the United States had its origin in an act of Congress passed on July 16, 1798 (1 Stat. 605). The Public Health Service Act of July 1, 1944, consolidated and revised substantially all then-existing legislation relating to the Public Health Service, which was ...
If you need help or have questions, please contact Cara Biddlecom: at 971-673-2284, 711 TTY, orcara.m.biddlecom@state.or.us, at least 48 hours before the meeting. You are subscribed to Oregon Health Authority News Releases.View all OHA news releases....
Not all Latinos face the same health challenges, suggesting that public health approaches may need to be tailored based on needs of the diverse groups within the Latino population, new research from Oregon State University indicates. Much of the health research today tends to focus on Latinos as...
Public health surveillance offers an opportunity to improve our understanding of the problem of CM. In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded state public health agencies in California, Michigan, and Oregon to implement a model approach for routine and sustainable CM ...
The potential for multiple simultaneous mass gatherings across the state prompted OPHD to activate an incident management team (IMT) and to create a Health Intelligence Section to design a mass gathering surveillance strategy. Statewide syndromic surveillance (Oregon ESSENCE) has been used to monitor ...