The shift away from a large-scale COVID-19 public health response comes at a time when cases are surging across the province and wastewater levels are the highest they have been in more than a year. In Ottawa, there are currently 11 COVID-19 outbreaks...
Content Analysis of Official Public Health Communications in Ontario, Canada during the COVID-19 Pandemicdoi:10.3390/ijerph21030351Fields, MayaSpence, Kelsey L.International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health
WithCOVIDin retreat (thanks to highly effective vaccines), the three infectious diseases causing public health officials the greatest concern are malaria (a parasite),HIV(a virus) and tuberculosis (a bacterium). Between them, they kill around 2 million people each year. And then there are the...
Government of Ontario. Updated: executive officer notice: administration of publicly funded COVID 19 vaccines in Ontario pharmacies—eligibility. Accessed June 20, 2023. 25. Duchen R, Iskan...
Collection and use of sociodemographic data (SDD), including race, ethnicity and income, are foundational to understanding health inequities. Ontario’s public health units collected SDD as part of COVID-19 case management and vaccination activities. Thi
Public HealthPopulation HealthCoronavirus (COVID-19) Improving Model Chain Approaches for Probabilistic Solar Energy Forecasting through Post-processing and Machine Learning A Tutorial Review of the Solar Power Curve: Regressions, Model Chains, and Their Hybridization and Probabilistic Extensions ...
In Ontario, Health Minister Christine Elliott also said there was no current plan to bring back any COVID-19 measures that were lifted earlier this month despite rising virus trends. “If we need to take any further measure we will, but so far it doesn’t appear that we...
The fear, grief, social isolation, and financial and occupational losses from COVID-19 have created a mental health crisis. Ontario's response highlights the shortcomings of its physician-only public healthcare system that limits public access to appropriate and sustainable mental healthcare. ...
The impact of the initial public health response to COVID-19 on swine health surveillance in OntarioInfluenza A virusLaboratory dataM. hyopneumoniaeNegative testsPCV-2PRRSSwine healthCOVID-19 restrictions and the pandemic have affected animal health and food production through the disease's effects ...
Iggers, KellyOur Schools / Our Selves