3) notes the US Surgeon General, the WHO Action Plan, and Movement for Global Mental Health (MGMH) emphasize that mental health includes social determinants, encompassing factors like exposure to violence, poverty, and fairness of resources (Patel et al., 2018; Satcher, 2011; World Health ...
Blog http://healthvsmedicine.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog Discussion of public health and health care policy, from a public health perspective. The U.S. spends more on medical services than any other country, but we get less for it. Major reasons include lack of universal access, unequal tr...
Influencing factors of mental health among recruits during training in cold area ZHANG Min,HUA Man-tang,SONG Yong-bin 2009, 25(9): 1027-1028.DOI:10.11847/zgggws2009-25-09-02 Abstract(975)PDF234KB(67) Sex knowledge,attitude and sexual behaviors in college students ...
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Given a prolonged course of Cervical spondylosis (CS) could cause irreversible neurological deficits, it is crucial to disseminate CS-related health information to the public to promote early diagnosis and treatment. YouTube has been widely used to searc
datamethods - health-related stats forum Talk Stats CrossValidated Books Causal Inference (Hernan and Robins) Notes about book (Finlayson) DAGs from book (Finlayson) Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View (Shalizi) Glossary of Statistical Terms (Harrell) 10 rules to use stats...
Association of mental health with myopia among children and adolescents: a cross-sectional survey in Shandong province WU Hui,XIE Long-tang,HU Yuan-yuan 2022, 38(12): 1523-1527.DOI:10.11847/zgggws1136667 Abstract(410)HTML(106)PDF540KB(74)[Cited By](9) ...
A competent workforce is critical to the maintenance and expansion of public health activities. The signature degree in the field—the Master of Public Health (MPH)—is available to students who can commit 1–2 years (depending on prior degrees and experience) for full-time residential study; ...
Percentage of female and male students that consume certain kinds of pornography (Notes: BDSM Bondage, Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism) Full size image Sexual behavior, sexual scripts, and sexual health Most students identified themselves as heterosexual (female: 77.3%; male...
Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease that endangers people’s health, and China is a country with a high burden of tuberculosis. To accelerate the progress towards ending TB, the Chinese government implemented the End TB Action Plan (2019–2022),