NYS OMH mental health outpatient treatment and rehabilitative services guidance on youth, family, adult, and older adult peer support services effective 11/23/2022. New York Office of Mental Health. Accessed December 15, 2022. https://omh.ny.gov/omhweb/clinic_restructuring/part599/mhotrs-peer-...
The burst of the COVID-19 pandemic forced governments around the globe to take health care interventions. One that caused significant controversies is the use of masks among the general public1,2,3. Initially, it was assumed that the primary mode of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 was through cou...
(11) Delivering Vitаlitу Worldwide The роtеntiаl оf thе humblе оniоn tо create jobs fоr реорlе in mаnу рlасеѕ in Armenia and also deliver vitаlitу аnd good health tо all regions оf thе world can bе realized thrоugh sound business strategi...
This new strategy treats gun violence as a public health crisis, using short-term solutions to manage the immediate gun violence crisis and reduce the shooting rate, as well as long-term solutions that focus on community-based intervention and prevention strategies to break the cycle of violence,...
NYS COVID-19 Tracker. Available online: https://COVID19tracker.health.ny.gov/views/NYS-COVID19-Tracker/NYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Map (accessed on 13 November 2021). Thorpy, M.; Figuera-Losada, M.; Ahmed, I.; Monderer, R.; Petrisko, M.; Martin, C.; Akhtar, J.; Thorpy, J.; Ha...