Public Health EnglandLawrence, J
Publichealth lawis a form ofpublic health policythat integrates concepts from law, medicine,health care, and public health. Public health law typically includes certain public health interventions of a legal nature. Thus, implementation of public health law is an essential element in ensuring populati...
为了回应部分人士对Public Health England“使用雾化产品比传统卷烟减害95%”结论的误导性攻击,John Newton教授(PHE健康改善总监)和Martin Dockrell(PHE烟草控制计划负责人)最近在AmericanJournal of Public Health发文如下回应: 尽管证据还不太完善,世界范围内烟草带来的系列危害,仍需要电子烟这种行动来应对。英格兰多年来...
Former Tory health secretary Andrew Lansley told Sky News last month that those in his own party calling for it to be axed weremaking "criticism born of ignorance". "Public Health England is an agency of the Department of Health," he said. "The legislation, the law provides for ...
网络公共卫生英国;英国公共卫生部门 网络释义
PHEPeriodic Health Examination(wellness; Canada) PHEPreventive Health Exam(healthcare) PHEProsecution History Estoppel PHEPlastic High Explosive PHEPort Hedland, Western Australia, Australia - Port Hedlan(Airport Code) PHEProliferative Hemorrhagic Enteropathy(pig disease) ...
public health interventions, risk factors for cardiovascular disease, systematic reviews and evidence-based medicine. He subsequently completed a PhD in diabetes and neuroscience research, in collaboration with the University’s Centre for Neuroendocrinology, before transitioning to a role at the Best Pract...
Public health - Medieval, Hygiene, Disease: In terms of disease, the Middle Ages can be regarded as beginning with the plague of 542 and ending with the Black Death (bubonic plague) of 1348. Diseases in epidemic proportions included leprosy, bubonic plag
及第三段中的“PHE would strictly monitor the progress by looking at which products people buy and would be prepared to punish companies which do not take on their duties.”(PHE通过观察人们买哪些产品来严格监控进展情况并且准备惩罚那些不履行职责的公司。)可知,如果一家公司鼓励(食用)高热量食品,它将...
Public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the cause, effect and structure of diseases. It is the key discipline of public health and identifies risk factors for disease and targets for preventive care. Epidemiology consists...