Despite the clear risks of antibiotic resistance, antibiotics are still being used unnecessarily, jeopardising their use in critical procedures. We have seen improvements in prescribing over the last five years. Antibiotic resistant bloodstream infections continue to rise in England, with a 35% increase...
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public healthObjectives:To describe public attitudes and knowledge around antibiotic activity, resistance and use. Design:Face-to-face household 18 question survey using computer-assisted data collection undertaken by Ipsos Market and Opinion Research International. Setting:Randomly selected households across ...
The Government and health officials have been hoping that accurate antibody tests will help track the spread of COVID-19 and help ease the lockdown. However, questions remain about its usefulness. AtThursday's daily Downing Street briefingProf Jonathan Van-Tam, England's deputy chief medical offi...
We would like to acknowledge PHE Genomic Services and Development Unit, Infectious Disease Informatics and Salmonella Reference Service members, in particular Martin Day for antibiotic resistance typing. We are grateful to John Kenny, Margaret Hughes and Xuan Liu at the Centre for Genomic Research, Un...
"Public Health England is an agency of the Department of Health," he said. "The legislation, the law provides for direct control by the government, by the secretary of state of the activities of Public Health England. "So not only does the secretary of state have all the requir...
为了回应部分人士对Public Health England“使用雾化产品比传统卷烟减害95%”结论的误导性攻击,John Newton教授(PHE健康改善总监)和Martin Dockrell(PHE烟草控制计划负责人)最近在AmericanJournal of Public Health发文如下回应: 尽管证据还不太完善,世界范围内烟草带来的系列危害,仍需要电子烟这种行动来应对。英格兰多年来...
Public Health England We exist to protect and improve the nation's health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities 40followers Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Rd, Bishop's, London SE1 8UG
Health Secretary Matt Hancock is planning to dissolve Public Health England and replace it with a new agency dedicated to responding to pandemics, according to reports. Views & Analysis A radical re-thinking of healthcare – J&J’s push for ‘immorb... ...
Antibiotic resistance is perhaps the most important component of AMR because effective antibiotics underpin much of modern-day healthcare, from common surgeries to chemotherapy and organ transplants. We are slowly losing the race to stay ahead of bacterial resistance mechanisms and, without action, we...