Oral health is an integral component of general health and well-being. While edentulism has been examined in relation to socioeconomic status, rural residency, chronic disease and mental health, no study that we know of has examined edentulism and these factors together. The objective of this stu...
safety nets are not maxed out, and healthy behaviors are the norm," Linnea Mirsch, St. Louis County Public Health and Human Services Director told commissioners. "It’s a special day when we are able to recognize individuals and organizations that make up the fabric...
Some AIS, such as several invaders in the Mediterranean including lionfish (Pterois miles Bennett, 1828) and nomadic jellyfish (Rhopilema nomadica Galil, Spanier & Ferguson, 1990), can also pose direct threats to human health and have enormous consequences for fisheries and recreation (Galil et ...
3.3. Alternatives Since customers and the flavour and fragrance industries detected problems regarding human health and the environment related to some of the flavour and fragrance com- pounds used, a search for substitutes/alternatives have been intensified. Some examples are given here (OSPAR, 1997...