Class 1 generally represents superior property fire protection, and Class 10 indicates that the area's fire-suppression program doesn't meet our minimum criteria. By classifying communities' ability to suppress fires, we help the communities evaluate their public fire-protection services. The program ...
Captain Kevin Reed, a fire program manager, said that Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills resources have “everything we wanted, from the book component to the online component, and it carried over well from class to class.” His class is truly engaged, too; his students “like all the ...
java.lang.Object.clone java.lang.Object.equals java.lang.Object.finalize java.lang.Object.getClass java.lang.Object.hashCode java.lang.Object.notify java.lang.Object.notifyAll java.lang.Object.toString java.lang.Object.wait java.lang.Object.wait java.lang.Object.wait ...
public class PublicIPAddressDnsSettings包含与公共 IP 地址关联的 DNS 记录的 FQDN。构造函数摘要 展开表 构造函数说明 PublicIPAddressDnsSettings() 方法摘要 展开表 修饰符和类型方法和描述 java.lang.String domainNameLabel() 获取域名标签。 java.lang.String fqdn() 获取与公共 IP 关联的 A DNS ...
public class PublicIPPrefixSku公共IP 前缀的 SKU。构造函数摘要 展开表 构造函数说明 PublicIPPrefixSku() 方法摘要 展开表 修饰符和类型方法和描述 PublicIPPrefixSkuName name() 获取公共 IP 前缀 SKU 的名称。 PublicIPPrefixSku withName(PublicIPPrefixSkuName name) 设置公共 IP 前缀 SKU 的名称...
a number from 1 to 10. class 1 generally represents superior property fire protection, and class 10 indicates that the area's fire suppression program does not meet verisk's minimum criteria. virtually all u.s. insurers of homes and business property use verisk's public protection ...
PublicIPSkuType ClassReference Feedback Package: Maven Artifact: public final class PublicIPSkuTypeDefines values for PublicIPSku...
there was a lot of humor thrown in which was appreciated. I was nervous for the live fire portion as I don’t have much experience but if you just listen to what he tells you, you’ll do perfectly fine. I highly recommend others take this class with Matt." ~ Sarah N. from Camillus...
ExtendsClass JSON Storage A simple JSON store API No Yes Yes GeekFlare Provide numerous capabilities for important testing and monitoring methods for websites apiKey Yes Unknown Estimates a gender from a first name No Yes Yes GETPing Trigger an email notification with a simple GET re...
Gore’s materials science capabilities enable us to engineer solutions to fit each application. For our fire and safety services solutions, that means we can design fabrics to fit the environment for each profession. For instance, firefighters require superior protection but also need to consider hea...