Dictionary Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to public toilet:washroom,restroom,Comfort room </>embed</> can bathroom convenience comfort station wash room toilet facility restroom public lavatory public conven... public toi... noun Synonyms for public toilet ...
public opinionpublic opinion 英英释义 noun 1. a belief or sentiment shared by most people the voice of the people e.g. he asked for a poll of public opinion Synonym: popular opinionopinionvox populi更多
Dealers are still facing hard times - but there's clear interest in smaller machines to use as commuter transport. Electric dream; Mini's new Scooter E takes style to streets Other organisations signing the concordat include the British Chambers of Commerce, BT, Transport for London, RAC Foundat...
This lexicon contains approximately 27,000 words and is based on the National Research Council Canada (NRC) affect lexicon and the NLTK library’s WordNet synonym sets. For a given word w and emotion e, the scores range from 0 to 1. A score of 1 means that the w conveys the highest ...
The regeneration strategies for the hutong areas in Beijing need to address two main interrelated vulnerabilities. On the one hand, the fragility of the local communities that are continuously threatened (or tempted) by the relocation plans proposed by t
Examples:ahigh/lowpriorityEducationisatoppriority.Financialsecuritywashighonhislistofpriorities.2.priority(oversomething)themostimportantplaceamongvariousthingsthathavetobedoneoramongagroupofpeopleSynonym: precedenceClubmemberswillbegivenpriority.Thesearchforanewvaccinewilltakepriorityoverallothermedicalresearch.priorityn...
Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI10) is not a synonym for a PPP. The PPI concept includes other forms of private involvement in the delivery and/or management of public infrastructure. The section will explain which of these procurement options and contexts for private partic...
On the basis of the volume of evidence and interlinkages between issues of concern, we grouped our findings into: health and the NHS; security (as a synonym for defence); economy and unemployment; and poverty, housing, and inequality. Table. Number of papers citing co-benefits and trade-...
Offering experiences focused on patients is considered as a synonym of quality patient care. Facing the design process focusing on user needs is one of the principles of service design so their applications to public health care services can have a positive impact on patients' experience. As a ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 读写译(仓兰菊)Unit 11 Public Security全版.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Quiz Translation 9/11事件之后,民事保护问题成为一个重要问题。现代社会面临着更加复杂、更加难以界定的威胁:自杀式爆炸,恐怖袭击,森林大火,飓风,水灾及禽流...