One year after a new chief public defender took over forAllegheny County, the office has seen a...Ward, Paula Reed
Speakers will include Dr. Lee Harrison, Chair of the Board of Health; Dr. Kristen Mertz, ACHD Medical Epidemiologist; and Dr. LuAnn Brink, ACHD Chief Epidemiologist. Also attending will be Chief Matt Brown of Allegheny County Emergency Services and Director Wendell Hissrich of the City of Pit...
Gallogly, Aaron M. Duquesne University ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2010. 1474830.
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County Council Guts Law Funding Public Art; Allegheny County Council on Tuesday Gutted a 10-Year-Old Law Intended to Fund Public Art but Renewed a Commitme... Allegheny County Council on Tuesday gutted a 10-year-old lawintended to fund public art but... A Aupperlee 被引量: 0发表: 0年...
Marion County Public Library一周天气预报 2月25日(今天) 2月26日(周三) 2月27日(周四) 2月28日(周五) 3月1日(周六) 3℃/12℃ 白天:晴 夜间:大部分多云 西南风 微风 0℃/12℃ 白天:阵雨 夜间:间歇性多云 西南风 3-4级 6℃/14℃ 白天:间歇多云 夜间:阵雨 西南风 微风 0℃/9℃ 白天:阵...
New Public Handgun Shooting Range Opens in Allegheny CountyLast week the state Game Commission concluded the first stage ofa $250,000 shooting range...Hayes, John
Creation of the mental healthcourt in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, occurred after a formal program had alreadybeen in place to assist mentally ill offenders in treatment while diverting them from jail,and allows for longer periods of probation and monitoring of participants. T...
T e Analysis of Attitudes Related to the Residential Desegregation of Public Housing in Allegheny County - Galster, Herbig, et al. - 1996Galster, G., Herbig, C., & Smith, R. (1996). The analysis of attitudes related to the residential desegregation of public housing in Allegheny County...