New Allegheny County Chief Public Defender Has Ideas for OfficeElliot Howsie thinks he's developed a few ideas through his workas a criminal defense lawyer on...By LaRussaTony
Allegheny County Public Defender Lends Aid Down SouthMark Waitlevertch didn't know what to expect in New Orleans.Vellucci, Justin
Fitzgerald to Delay Allegheny County Public Defender HireAllegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald said on Wednesday thata former prosecutor is his...By BobKerlik
One year after a new chief public defender took over forAllegheny County, the office has seen a...Ward, Paula Reed
Within days of the November election, Allegheny County ChiefPublic Defender Michael Machen had...Ward, Paula Reed
Allegheny County Paid a $110,000 Settlement to a County Public Defender Who Returned from a U.S. Air Force Deployment in 2013 to Find That He No Longer Had a Job. [Derived Headline]Allegheny County paid a $110,000 settlement to a county public defender who returned from a U.S...Clift...
The Downtown attorney named to be the new Allegheny County publicdefender pledged to bring to...Paula Reed WardLen Barcousky
Public Defender Expects ImprovementAfter three months on the job, Allegheny County's public defenderisn't shy about diagnosing...Bobkerlik
For 44 years, public defender Steve Swem was a fixture in the Allegheny County Courthouse...Ward, Paula Reed
Judge Dismisses Charges against Public Defender County Da Office Insists He Misled Court, Will Look to Fight RulingA judge's decision Tuesday to dismiss charges against anAllegheny County public defender was...Belculfine, Lexi