A personal narrative is presented which explores the author's experience of doing public interest work at the Public Defender Agency in Anchorage, Alaska as part of a program offered through the Public Int...
PDA Public Defender Agency (Alaska) PDA Probabilistic Data Association PDA Proforma Disbursement Account (shipping) PDA Physical Disability Agency PDA Production Data Acquisition PDA Payroll Deduction Authorization (various organizations) PDA Partial Discharge Analyzer (various companies) PDA Power Distribution ...
The LAPD's policy states that if the arrest occurred within six months, you could get it from the public defender or your private attorney. When representing yourself, you can call the city attorney for misdemeanors (punishable by a year in prison or less) and the district attorney for ...
Other factors that matter are whether it is criminal or civil, the court's venue or area or the trial, was there a trial, was there legal counsel, a guardian, public defender, or private practice attorney representing. Many bits and pieces of information are greatly helpful and do not ...
The health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives is the concern of the Indian Health Service, which is the principal federal healthcare advocate for these groups. The Indian Health Service administers a comprehensive healthcare delivery system for these groups, developing and managing programs...
CyberDefender Created Quattro partnership for full customer support services including new product offerings. Promotions included “National Free Tech Support Days” to encourage product use and showcase premium tech support services. Best RSA Promotion used Cartoon Network's “Mooninite” sign raffle one...
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The public defender shortage has overwhelmed the courts, frustrated defendants and affected crime victims, who experts say experience added trauma when cases are dismissed or take longer to be resolved. In her May 11 letter to lawmakers, Kotek said she shared th...
mostly involving DUIs. Depending on where the arrest happened, there is a process to request reports from the individual police department. Some departments allow free copies to the individual that was arrested. If a defense attorney or public defender was involved, they might have already requested...