In relation to GDP, India's public debt and interest payments are high compared with most other emerging economies and rating agencies have put India's sovereign debt at the lowest investment grade. On the other hand, India benefits from strong economic growth and needs to increase spending on...
The data was collected from Indian Public Finance Statistics 2009 and Reserve Bank of India handbook of Statistics. The rationale of this paper is to absorb the trend of changing tax revenue and public debt position in India. Further the public debt and direct tax structure of the BRIC nations...
Public DebtBackward StateIndiaSustainabilityOrissaOrissa, despite being a land with rich natural and human resources with 4.74% of India's total land mass and 3.5% of the total population of the country, has reTripathy, SnigdhaSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
U.S. public debt Statistics report about the public debt of the United States The report presents graphs and tables about the public debt of the United States of America. Federal, state and local debt are shown, as well as holders of the debt and a comparison of U.S. debt with othe...
The aim of this paper is to investigate the important issue of "cause-effect" relationship between public debt and economic growth for Indian economy over the period of 1980-81 to 2013-14. The statistical description provides evidence that the causal issue between these variables is undefined and...
As of the end of June 1955, the public external debt of India was estimated at the equivalent of 472,8 million dollars, The amount, however, is exclusive of a) purchases of 12.6 million dollars from the IMF b) U.S. Government silver and surplus properties loans aggregating 169.6 million ...
The U.S. debt held by the public amounted to 24.24 trillion U.S. dollars in 2023, which was about 97.3 percent of the U.S. GDP. The forecast predicts an increase in public debt up to 48.3 trillion U.S. dollars in 2034, which would be about 116 percent of the U.S. GDP. ...
MUMBAI (Reuters) - India's Adani Enterprises, the flagship firm of Adani Group, plans to launch its first-ever public issue of bonds in the coming weeks to raise up to 6 billion rupees ($71.7 million), two sources aware of the development said on Tuesda...
Internet Product Code Database [Meta] Joint External Debt Data Hub [Meta] Jon Haveman International Trade Data Links [Meta] Latin America KLEMS - LAKLEMS is a technical cooperation project financed by the Inter- [...] [Meta] Long-Term Productivity Database - The Long-Term Productivity data...