Public Law 30-93 - An act to repeal §3401(g), and to repeal and re-enact§4302(g), of Chapter 4, Article 3, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to removing the continuing clause provisions to health insurance companies on Guam who contract with the government of Guam and to ...
1437a), at the time the contract to purchase the property is executed. (b) Principal residence requirement. The dwelling unit sold to an eligible family must be used as the principal residence of the family. (c) Financial capacity requirement. Eli-gibility must be limited to families who ...
What is also shown in this relationship is that when a client adequately checks and appoints designers who are H&S competent, the client is also likely to express clear H&S provisions in the designer’s conditions of contract, consider H&S in the choice of design options for the project,...
Effective Date,Exchange Code,Decomp Logical Commodity,Decomp Physical Commodity,Decomp Contract Name,Currency,Expiry Label,Leg 1 Logical Code,Leg 1 Contract Name,Leg 1 Scanning,Leg 1 Delta,Leg 2 Logical Code,Leg 2 Contract Name,Leg 2 Scanning,Leg 2 Delta,Floor Margin,Intercontract Credit,Applied...