Public Communication of Science in the VietnamKuznick, Peter J
ahandbook of public communication of science and technology 科学和技术的公开通信手册[translate]
Public communication of science has increasingly been recognised as a responsibility of scientists (Leshner, Science p. 977, 2003). Climate scientists are often reminded of their responsibility to participate in the public climate debate and to engage the public in meaningful conversations that ...
Public Communication of Science and Technology (special issue)LaFollette, Marcel C
Massimiano Bucchi is Professor of Science and Technology in Society and Director of Master SCICOMM at the University of Trento, Italy, and has been a visiting professor in Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania. Brian Trench is a researcher, trainer and advisor on science communication, former...
Scientific communication also pertains to the domain of society, where the formation of public opinion about science and technology is taking place. Concerning this process, two main points are exposed in the commentary. The first is a proposition on how the public as a social category may be ...
Science communication in transition: genomics hype, public engagement, education and commercialization pressures This essay reports on the final session of a 2-day workshop entitled 'Genetic Diversity and Science Communication', hosted by the CIHR Institute of Genetic... T Bubela - 《Clinical Genetics...
the art and science of communications. Now, in posts to come, I intend to expand on the subject matter to be covered, using this bedrock principle as a measure for all that appears here: if it can contribute to better more effective communication, private or public, it shall be admissible...
有没有人了解或知道这个专业,学传媒不知道该不该去。 毛豆子1993 1L喂熊 1 网上的信息好少哦 毛豆子1993 1L喂熊 1 朵拉西多 前来围观 7 问你的中介老师呀 Cccystttal 抢个沙发 2 楼主去读这个专业了吗 我是18-19年的 想问一下这个专业到底怎么样 卓呀666 自带板凳 3 我刚拿到这个...
自2023年9月起,Communication and the Public 将转为开源期刊(Open Access Journals),全面开放获取。 本刊将继续秉承 “开放”“共享”“协作”“贡献”的精神,致力于推动学科开放获取的发展,提高全球优质研究的影响力,提升数据分析的透明度与可...