It was thus necessary to look into the marketing practices that are being used for competitiveness by public FET colleges in Gauteng.T. FadahunsiT.G. PelserUnisa PressSouth African Journal of Higher Education
Trends in Governance of Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges: The Case of FET Colleges in Gauteng Province of South Africa South African government is the predominant provider of funds for Further Education and Training (FET) education and also the principal provider of the edu... Manage...
In this study, we sought to explore the coping strategies used by healthcare workers employed in the public psychiatric care system in southern Gauteng, South Africa during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Psychiatric healthcare workers (n = 55) employed in three tertiary public ...
This chapter grapples with the question; to what extent have the urban planning policies in South Africa and Gauteng province been instrumental in the pursuit of efficient, effective and responsive public transport systems? Have the transport systems led to either smart or dumb city systems. The ...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between employee retention and job security and the impact of retention factors on the job security of nurses in public hospitals in South Africa. The retention of nurses is essential in public hospitals in South Africa. It...
South Africa's legal framework on the rights of sexual minorities is one of the most progressive in the world. Despite this, discrimination and violence against gay and lesbian people continues to be a challenge. Using large-scale survey data gathered in the Gauteng City-Region, this study ...
The findings are drawn from a 2013 analysis of a random transport household survey of 1550 households carried out in Gauteng province. 91.4% of the study respondents had access to public transport, while 8.6% had no access to public transport. Of the 91.4% who used public transport, the...
Letsoalo, Maupi E.Ncube, Lindi J.Journal of Consumer Sciences (0378-5254)
This study aimed to determine the level of awareness and knowledge of MM among medical practitioners working in public hospitals of Tshwane Municipality, Gauteng Province, South Africa. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 74 doctors working in three district, one regi...
In this study, we evaluated the status quo of health care waste management plans (HCWMPs) and practices in public health care facilities in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Methods:A situational analysis was employed in health care facilities (HCFs) that generated more than 20kg (N=42) of ...