If the creator of a record was a central government department, agency or body, or predecessor to a modern department of state, funded from Treasury funds granted through parliamentary vote, then its records are likely to be public records falling within the definition and scope of the Act. Th...
we focus on status’ social qualities to delineate multiple theoretical pathways through which one state’s status can change – or not – relative to another. Status is not conferred in a vacuum and the consequences of
choice theory on understanding the economics of anarchy is by Powell and Stringham (2009), showing that there are multiple reasons why a stateless economy may, but need not perform reasonably well, and identify forces that may stabilize its status or transform it into different forms of ...
The statement above reinforces the criticism that the philanthropic charity work done by the industry has underlying economic motives rather than an altruistic drive towards sustainable development. Sponsorship of the arts and cultural events is another form of the CSR activities of the alcohol companies...
(Rudisser et al.,2017). By contrast, Luccasen and Grossman (2017) found that giving to charity or philanthropic institutions increases when the endowment is earned in a real-donation experiment. Several authors (Boylan & Sprinkle,2001; Boylan,2010a; Clark,2002) found no difference in the ...
Upon completion of the questionnaire, they were offered a small reward (e.g. cinema ticket, lottery ticket, or a charity donation). In the survey, data on perceived accessibility, service quality, sociodemographic data, and travel behavior were collected. Between May and December 2018, 4944 ...