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A new collaboration between pharmaceutical and biotech companies and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the National Institutes of Health aims to get cancer drugs into the hands of researchers—and patients—faster. The NCI Formulary will allow NCI-Designated Cancer Center investigators to move qu...
Public companies' financial indexes are the important information source of evaluating company. Financial indexes reflect company's real operation situation from different aspects. So they are some kinds of pertinence, but the quantity of financial indexes in great, it brings much difficulties for compo...
Sources of evidence cited by articles were (in order of frequency): Governmental agencies, medical research or published studies, healthcare personnel or patients, and companies or corporations. Only a small percentage of newspaper articles presented potential complications. Despite lack of clear ...
IQVIA is working to advance public health in partnership with other companies, governments, and non-governmental organizations, from fighting opioid addiction to addressing antibiotic resistance.
“You have a cancer screening that might have caught [cancer] at Stage 1, but now you aren’t catching it until Stage 3 or 4,” Gonzales said. As a result, there have been “a large number of large claims over $50,000,” and “that, plus the increase in the cost of drugs” ...
middle-income countries provided by international pharmaceutical companies and other health-related companies. We provide a description of these benefits, challenges, as well as of motives of private partners to join partnerships. An approach of systematic categorization was used to conduct this research...
OpenSanctions - A global database of persons and companies of political, [...] Paul Hensel General International Data Page PewResearch Internet Survey Project PewResearch Society Data Collection Political Polarity Data [fixme] StackExchange Data Explorer Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium Texas In...
摘要: According to the European Commission (2001, 2002, 2006), CSR is "a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis". The main idea behind CSR...
Very little attention has been devoted to the public's opinion of media coverage of court cases despite extensive research on pretrial publicity (PTP). Following a provincial judgment to restrict media access in Quebec courthouses, a preliminary unpublished study found that the public was largely ...