Camping varies a lot per region. In Alaska, camping on BLM land isextremelypopular during the summer, however facilities are minimal. For example, there isonly oneRV dump station on Alaska’s 70 million acres of BLM land. Shocking absolutely no one, wastewater frequently ends up dumped in c...
University of Alaska, Southeast Juneau Job Service Glacier Gardens DIPAC / Macaulay Salmon Hatchery Mendenhall Campgrounds Alaskan Brewing Co. Nugget Mall Mendenhall Mall Glacier Avenue and 9th Street Glacier Highway and 9th Street DepartLeave atNow ...
McKinley National Park, Alaska. As a substitute for private transportation, the Park Service offered free bus service for visitors. Also for the first time in 1972, the Park Service required that visitors have advance reservations for campsites in the five campgrounds located well inside the park...
Samples from Alaska and Hawaii were still being processed at the time of publication, and are therefore not denoted on this map. we are particularly interested in the species richness of ants that interact with humans in daily life. Moving forward, we seek to build on this protocol by using...
What many people don’t realize is that this trash isn’t just cluttering campgrounds; it’s also defiling fishing streams and causing harm to animals that ingests the discarded materials. Whole ecosystems are impacted by one simple act. ...
Black bears can live more than 20 years in the wild, but in areas near human habitation most black bears die sooner as a result of hunting, trapping, poaching, nuisance removal near campgrounds or dumps, and collision with vehicles. black bear (Ursus americanus)Population studies estimate that...
The park was designated as National Park in 1980 to maintain the environmental integrity of the valley’s natural features in an undeveloped state and to protect and interpret important archaeological sites associated with Alaska Native cultures. FACILITIES AND CAMPING There are no roads, campgrounds,...