Hidden fees and your bidden against the owners / cities, or owners of the equipment, or cars etc... That is not an auction. That is a garage sale with using the word auction to lure you in. Hidden bidders or reserves in the Auction biz is Called in the auction business world is gho...
Beside calls on the EC for restrictions of cheap imports and increase of Community minimum landing prices, the French government pressed the industry to establish a fund (FIOM), with an inter- professional management board, tasked with enhancing the regulation of, and support to the national ...
The collaboration will be kicked off by an auction of five super rare Anomaly NFTs on October 23, followed by a general sale of mystery boxes with NFTs on the new Traden.pro platform starting on Oct 26, 2021. Oslo, Norway – Opera, the personal browser of choice for hundreds of millions...
“The company’s to cheap to even hire a decent cook! I think they skimped on shelter construction, and Billy over there doctored the dosimeter data to cover it up.” “Are you calling me a liar?” Billy’s face turned red. “Why would I go along with a cover-up? I’m sick, ...