“Courtrooms, for example, are ‘public property,’ and even imbued with public access rights,” Burien’s outside attorneys, from the Seattle law firm Keller Rohrback, wrote in a brief. “Yet it does not follow that a tent can be pitched in the courtroom, giving rise to a privacy righ...
Attorneys for Former Miss Utah Condemn Tim Ballard’s Frivolous, Retaliatory, and Repugnant Lawsuit For additional articles covering O.U.R., please go to ACJ Investigates: Derailed: Operation Underground Railroad…. Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Reddit Like this: Loading... Continue Reading Po...
U.S. Supreme Court Justice and Denver native Neil Gorsuch told an audience in Colorado Springs that attorneys who are concerned about the court’s declining case load should file more appeals. But the court receives an average of about 6,000 appeal requests each year and rules on fewer than...
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — A judge is considering a motion by the state to throw out a lawsuit over the system that provides attorneys to those who can’t afford them.
Instead of providing attorneys for each person, HJP has been “unbundling” its services to provide at least some help to as many people as possible, but “tenants are appearing pro se”—acting as their own attorneys—”in front of judges now. The numbers are as bad as we’ve seen in...
I’ve seen lawyers dazzle jurors and win huge cases while wearing clothes that are frumpy, or revealing, or have acres of crazy loud patterns, or are worn to absolute tatters. There are brilliant attorneys out there in orthopedic shoes and sneakers and cowboy boots. So, be informed and ...
This is truly hidden trauma in our county: the police department told me we have no grassroots advocacy groups here because they have been run out of county. They also said many of the Maryland legislators are defense attorneys and are not interested in writing preventive laws! OUCH!!! I ...
These attorneys specialize in investigating the facts surrounding the case, gathering evidence, and working with medical experts who can review medical records and provide testimony. Expert witnesses play a critical role in establishing whether the healthcare provider’s conduct was negligent and whether...
Later this month, she is scheduled to receive an award from the Lawyers Collaborative for Diversity, a group that identifies, recruits and honors attorneys of color in Connecticut and westernMassachusetts. The commission reprimanded Bowden-Lewis in October for alleged ...
Attorneys, Experts On Fraud & Deception, Root of Evil on Earth. ANTIDOTE: The Facts! Open Records For The Truth To All! Right To Bear Arms: Without KILLING, NON LETHAL ARMS! Cigarrettes: Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction:Explain!