在C#中,public async Task定义了一个异步方法,它返回一个Task对象。Task类是.NET Framework中用于表示一个异步操作的类。使用async关键字表示该方法内部将包含异步操作,并允许使用await关键字等待异步操作的完成。 2. 提供一个简单的public async Task方法示例 csharp using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; pub...
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Product>>> GetProducts { var products = await _productService.GetProductsAsync; return Ok(products); } } 4. Models 作用:定义应用程序的数据模型,通常与数据库表结构相对应。模型类用于表示应用程序中的实体和数据。 示例: csharp复制 public class Product { publ...
publicoverride async TaskHandleAsync(MyRequest r, CancellationToken c){if(true)awaitSendResultAsync(TypedResults.Ok<MyResponse>(new{ ... }));elseawait SendResultAsync(TypedResults.NotFound);}} 9. 使用Attributes进行配置 同样的,FastEndpoints也提供了attributes方式来配置终结点: [Http{VERB}("/route"...
public static async Task ExecuteInParallel(SqlCommand[] commands) { var sqlTasks = commands.Select(c => ExecuteNonQueryAsync()); await Task.WhenAll(sqlTasks); } To halt the thread and ensure completion of all commands. Task.WhenAll(sqlTasks).Wait(); ...
result) { + Prompt.showToast({ message: "定位失败,可能未打开定位" }) + } + }) + } else { + Prompt.showToast({ message: "未授权定位权限,无法定位" }) + } + }) + + } + + async requestLocationPermission(): Promise { + let locationPermission: Array = ['ohos.permission....
export const buildPublic = task(import.meta.path, async () => { await fsp.mkdir(publicPath, { recursive: true });await Promise.all(folderAndFilesToBeDeployed.map(dir => fsp.cp( path.resolve(rootPath, dir), path.resolve(publicPath, dir),...
let taskall = []; for (let user of $.userList) { if (user.ckStatus) { taskall.push(await user.main()); } } await Promise.all(taskall); } !(async () => { if (!(await checkEnv())) return; if ($.userList.length > 0) { await start(); } await $.SendMsg($.message)...
A private static async method with two input parameters and no return value.//////Delaytime in milliseconds..///Output text.privatestaticasyncTask PrivateStaticVoidMethodAsync(intmillisecondsDelay,stringoutputText) {//First wait.awaitTask.Delay(millisecondsDelay);//Do something that can be unit te...
public async Task<ApiResponse<int>> UpdateClass(int classId, [FromBody] SchoolClass updatedClass) { try { var existingClass = await _schoolClassHelper.QuerySingleAsync(c => c.ClassID == classId).ConfigureAwait(false); if(existingClass != null) ...