Medical (sʌbˈpjuːbɪk) adj (Anatomy)anatomybeneath the pubic bone Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
One of the main concerns with pubic lice is that people often scratch incessantly, and this scratching can lead to a secondary bacterial infection. When scratching is intense for long periods, the skin can become broken. If you notice a large area of redness or pus in the area, you may h...
Another study supplies the evidence for the idea that the so-called G spot is a complex anatomic area encompassing the anterior vaginal wall and the embedded structures, so that it would be better to use the term clitoral–urethral–vaginal complex (Jannini and d’Amati, 2006). Different ...
Medical tubercle(to͞oˈbərkyo͞olˌ)[Lat.,=little swelling], small, usually solid, nodule or prominence. In anatomy the term is applied to natural prominences in certain muscles, to nerve nuclei of the central nervous system, and to eminences on bones, especially in regions where...
, the rat, hamster, mouse, chinchilla, and rabbit, the replacement pattern is undulant, and waves of follicular activity can be traced across the body. In other species, for example, humans, cats, and guinea pigs, each follicle appears to cycle independently of others in the immediate area....
Fill in the blank with the appropriate anatomical term: The thoracic cavity is to the abdominopelvic cavity. Write the term that correctly identifies the following region of the human body: "Belly button" area. Write the term that correctly identifies the following ...
the boundary is determined according to the difference of the local gray value; and (3) The lower right corner of the pubic symphysis is adjacent to the bladder, and the boundary of the pubic symphysis should be determined with the bottom edge of the white area [1,[5], [6], [7], ...
(Guangzhou, China; and the Esaote My Lab were used in the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University and Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University, respectively. During each acquisition, the operator positioned the probe longitudinally in the translabial area to ...
Should I Stock Up On The Abortion Pill? 40 Abortion Sign Ideas For Your Next Protest When Is The Next Women’s March? Will Birth Control Be Banned During Trump's Term? What's Next In The Fight For Abortion Rights Should You Cook With An Iron Fish? MDs Weigh In ...
Thus, any exposure to her genital area may drive a woman to groom, even when the health care professional is an unbiased professional providing medical care. Unlike prior studies,2,5 we did not find an association between income and grooming; however, we found a positive association between ...