绑定/解绑 KRAFTON ID 绑定steam安全令的方法 如何验证游戏档案的完整性 游戏进程中出现卡顿的情况怎么办? Chatbot - 新增用户支援渠道 PUBG游戏配置 Prime Gaming 奖励简介 免费BP,免费箱子,免费道具? 玩家关怀奖励活动 举报Cheaters/Hackers/Teamkillers 如何申请退款...
这是之前给pubg support申请解冻账号给我回复的邮件不道从哪给他回复了
battlegrounds夥伴直播後,只需要達成指定條件,即可領取獎勵!完成指定條件後,便會出現領取按鈕,點擊即可獲得獎勵. 5.領取獎勵 前往遊戲內的造型自訂選單,即可查看掉寶獎勵.若您沒有成功獲得獎勵,請再次確認您的帳號是否綁定完成,以及是否點擊領取獎勵的按鈕.若您持續遇到夥伴掉寶的獎勵領取問題,敬請聯繫客服中心 (support...
每次条件满足时,就会自动出现"领取"按钮,点击按钮即可获得奖励. 5.接收奖励 前往自定义大厅菜单检查您的掉落奖励.如果还未收到奖励,请仔细检查您的账号是否已正确绑定,以及/或您是否已点击"领取"按钮.如果您在接收合作伙伴空投奖励时仍有困难,请联系support.pubg.com. 我们的网站使用cookie和类似技术以为您提供更...
此公告发布后,为了避免混淆通过PUBG Support申请退款的请求将不再处理。请使用7月3日(周三)更新的退还及G-COIN补偿通道进行操作。 G-COIN补偿方案 1) 适用于PUBG x NewJeans典藏箱保底规则显示错误问题时 补偿适用范围内(即北京时间6月12日(周三)#30.1更新后 ~ 6月13日(周四)21:30期间内购买“PUBG x NewJea...
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service at support@proximabeta.com. WHAT’S NEW 1. New Themed Mode: Icemire Frontier Explore Frostheim and the Magic Crystal Mines, unveil mysterious treasures, and obtain awesome supplies! Call your teammates to join you in a...
Thank you for your unwavering support! It's great to hear that you're having fun with PUBG Mobile. Stay tuned to the latest events through our official social media channels (e.g., Facebook, Discord). If you have further feedback, you can always reach out to us in-game or via ...
Head toPUBG Mobile’s support pageand submit a ticket regarding the issue you’ve been experiencing. If possible, try to include a screenshot of the error you encounter. That wraps up our guide on how to fix the internet error on PUBG Mobile. If you have comments, requests, or suggestion...
8月21日(三)開始部分玩家會遇到以上圖片中顯示BattlEye錯誤提示,並且遊戲會強行終止的現象。 以上錯誤提示主要是因為檢測到與遊戲相關的'非正常程序'或者'PAK文件變更'時出現的, 即使各位用戶沒有直接進行非法程序安裝或者執行,但是也有可能通過各種渠道,在您不知情的情況下,被安裝了非正常程序或...
Thank You so much guys for few weeks of great cooperation! This guide would not be made without the support, motivation and dedication you provided to me! I had a really amazing group of people to test everything and give me proper feedback! We can do everything!