C4爆炸倒计时,C4爆炸倒计时音效,PUBG老版吃鸡主菜单BGM,PUBG绝地求生大逃杀大厅背景音乐,泛击_公用电话网关_ - 音响效果(Pan Hit _PUBG_ - Sound Effect),PUBG主旋律钢琴版封面(PUBG Main Theme Piano Version Cover),卢本伟绝地求生吃鸡音效,吃鸡外挂语音包,吃鸡外挂,【李
If a gun is fired from indoors or there is no direct or approximate line of sight (obstructed), the reverb effect and LPF are applied to the sound effect Bullet Crack/Whizz Effect Bullet crack effect (or bullet bow shockwave) is generated when a supersonic projectile passes in close proximi...
Pan: The maximum throwing distance is shorter than other melee at only 30m but the damage range is 90 to 40 based on distance. Erangel Specific Changes Red Zones are no-longer spawned after Phase 3. Vehicle spawn rates have been increased slightly on regular and mountain roads. UI/UX Catego...
Fixed the issue where the text of Medals with long names overlap with your teammate’s when you activate View Medals at Match Report. Fixed the issue where the White Tiger – Pan skin is flipped backwards at Hideout – Weapon. (PC) Fixed the issue where the preview for Spring Fest 2023 ...
pan skin is flipped backwards at hideout - weapon. (pc) fixed the issue where the preview for spring fest 2023 prime parcel did not show up. (pc) fixed the issue where the team management ui did not show up when a random player joins your team while you have the system menu open at...
pan skin are missing on the career - overview page. fixed an issue where the notes are missing from the thumbnail of the victory dance 118 emote. items & skins ※ clipping issue: graphics that are shown outside the visible part of an image/object. fixed the clipping issue that ...
Fixed an issue where you could zoom in on a pan with a mountain bike and a dirt bike. Fixed the issue where the sound of the Porter and Pony Coupe would suddenly turn quieter when viewed from a certain perspective. Fixed an issue where the motor glider would sometimes not show up in ...
The PUBG Mobile 0.17.0 update is already available foriOSandAndroidfrom today and requires 1.69 GB of storage space on Android, and 1.95 GB of storage space on iOS. If you update before March 6th, you get: 50 Silver, 2,888 BP and 3 Day Anniversary Pan Skin. ...
Fixed the issue where you are able to make a Pan bigger using a Mountain Bike and Dirt Bike. Fixed the issue where the sound of the Porter and Pony Coupe suddenly decreases from a certain perspective. Fixed the issue where the Motor Glider is sometimes not shown at the proper location or...
lags and freezes but I’m use to that. I don’t no why this happens my device is a i phone 11 and I always play over wifi. I hope pubg team and tencent can improve this and bug fixes. But i really want you to ban hakers and now the banpan is been good work pubg love the ...