PUBG Mobile is holding 100M+ downloads, which is immense. Moreover, you can also play PUBG Mobile on your computer and laptops by downloading an emulator named Gameloop. It provides you with a massive collection of exceptional maps, modes, armory, clothes, characters, and around every asset ...
PUBG MOBILE预计将于11月11日开始逐步推送更新,请选择合适的网络环境并预留足够的装置空间。 【更新奖励】:版本更新后可获得3,000 BP 更新重点 1.全新玩法【凛冬极境】上线,推出新地图【极地部落】【魔晶矿洞】。 2.地铁逃生允许替被淘汰的队友捡装备,完成逃脱之后会归还给队友。
Gameloop System Requirements for PC: High and Low Specs Ali Hashmi·July 9, 2020 PUBG Ban In Pakistan: Don’t Use A VPN To Access The Game Huzaifa Khan·July 2, 2020 How to download PUBG Mobile without Google Play Store Ali Hashmi·May 21, 2020 ...
If you’re looking for a way to play PUBG Mobile on your PC, Gameloop (formerly Tencent Gaming Buddy) is the way to go. There are several otherAndroid emulatorsthat allow you to play PUBG Mobile, but none of them offer the same great PUBG performance as the official emulator, Gameloop. ...
2:这个gameloop模拟器安装不了 微信 我选择了邮箱登陆 3:要在gameloop这里登陆你原来的账号,我是在手机上登陆原来的帐号绑定了邮箱,才登陆的。 4:或者换其他家的 模拟器。从pubg官方网站下载安装包,在模拟器里选择本地安装。 游戏进 +4 37213 pubgmobile吧 meow_喵喵喵 解答:国际服吃鸡手游怎么标记物资?/在哪...
13回复贴,共1页 <返回pubgmobile吧大神们,gameloop模拟器这个您们怎么设置的 只看楼主收藏回复 火线竞技手 正式会员 4 有偿悬赏,大神我的键位总是失灵不得劲你们教教我 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2021-02-01 10:33回复 特美思 中级粉丝 2 几百块买套外设不香吗?还匹配手机玩家 来自iPhone客户...
Pubg Mobile and gameloop apps in general doesn't work on Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22581 I've had installed windows 11 build 22000.561 and pubg mobile worked fine but when I updated the version to the latest version of insder build 22581 it won't open a...
gameloop电脑..可以试试pc加速上 game loop的网站,在网页上找到有pubg的图标那个点下载,这时候会下载一个pubg图标的安装包。.这个安装包就是game loop的安装包。GAMELOOP这个模拟器虽然是
Pubg Mobile and gameloop apps in general doesn't work on Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22581 I've had installed windows 11 build 22000.561 and pubg mobile worked fine but when I updated the version to the latest version of insder build 22581 it won't open ...
you can use the same PUBG mobile account to log in to your PUBG Mobile on PC. But this is for PUBG Mobile on PC. You can’t play regular PUBG on PC using the same account, because the regular PUBG can only be played through Steam, and you need a separate Steam account for that....