Ever wondered why your aim is not good enough? Well, it is because of the wrong button layouts. Find out about some of the best button layouts that you can use to enhance your gaming skills. PUBG Mobile has been a trending game for a while now. It has gathered the attention of many...
PUBG MOBILERatings and Reviews 4.3out of 5 137.6K Ratings
If you play PUBG Mobile in PC using Tencent Gaming Buddy, you will get a prompt message of Emulator Detection. It means PUBG will set your enemies matching with those who were using the same emulator. However, if your teammates are using mobile and you are using PC, PUBG will match the...
where you can download and play the smaller, free-to-play version through the emulator. This means you’re a software program that acts as a virtual Android device so that the software can run software through itself!
It supports the vast majority of games, such as: Shadow gun/ Modern Warfare 5/ Asphalt/ Contract/ Metal Slug, and emulator games (such as MC4, Wild blood, Dungeon Hunter, Zombie, FC emulator, GBA emulator, arcade emulator, SFC emulator, N64 emulator, Shadow gun, sonic CD, Cory, Soul ...
there are numerous emulator players matching with mobile players and there are 90% HACKERS hacking PUBG servers (the worst servers) and the developers go GAGA about their security system... a joke of the millennium HaHaHa... funny. Now seriously the developers have been just keen on the money...