Below are given different methods to fix PUBG crashes on PC. You don’t need to try all the methods, just try the methods one by one until you find the solution that works for you. Method 1: Disable Overclocking Overclocking means setting a higher clock rate in order to increase the per...
Hello my Poco f3 8gb 256gb is heating when I play PUBG on 90fps and 120hz on my screen the battery temp is 47c and the CPU temp is 65c is it dangerous and what are the temp that ok for phone will gaming ? YOSSEF45601 Thread Jun 26, 2022 fix gaming heating poco f3 pubg Repli...
Fix 1. Install the Latest Patch Bluehole (developer of PUBG) regularly releases patches to improve PUBG and fix issues. You just need to install these patches and keep your game up to date. This will help to fix bugs that crash your game. Fix 2. Update your device drivers Most of the...
msi 导致pubg游戏崩溃问题实测最新版本会导致游戏崩溃 进入游戏后几分钟闪退 解决办法: 1.卸载msi加监控软件rtss后 重启 再百度搜索4.6.4beta3版本下载安装 (全部默认选项即可) 2.若懒得更换 可以在rtss里面关闭屏幕显示 也可以避免崩溃 分享6赞 pubg吧 泥狠美 之前玩pubg怎么都不会卡,现在运行一会CPU使用率100%...
Make sure you can check out your FPS, Frametimes Graph, CPU all cores/GPU % usage. If you can't get stable 80 fps - Lock it to 70 and 60. Check frametimes and fps drops. IF everything works smoother, leave it. You do not want fucked up frame times that increase and decrease ev...
Make sure you can check out your FPS, Frametimes Graph, CPU all cores/GPU % usage. If you can't get stable 80 fps - Lock it to 70 and 60. Check frametimes and fps drops. IF everything works smoother, leave it. You do not want fucked up frame times that increase and decrease ev...
画面卡住崩溃 5、今天启动游戏,在游戏等待界面卡住崩溃 6、查看f盘还有80多G可用空间,检查文件完整性ok(打开任务管理器观察过,运行pubg时cpu会暴涨到100%未响应) 7、启动游戏,在设置中将画质设为中,点击应用时卡住崩溃 8、连续几次启动游戏,都在开 分享78 pubg吧 NumberOneJQ 电脑版pubg,今天为什么启动不了游戏...
CPU: 7950X3DMB: ROG CROSSHAIR X670E GENE850W PSU I currently have EXPO on. Driver version 24.2.1 1 Like Reply Rustedhammer In response to m1nicrusherr Adept II 03-15-2024 02:27 PM Yeah I've been having the issue for about a year now. It's gotten better but it ...
Bugfix Gameplay Fixed the issue where some pass missions could not be accomplished in Haven. Fixed the issue where players could respawn with a ghillie suit equipped when killed while equipping a ghillie suit in TDM. Fixed the foliage clipping through a vehicle while in FPP mode in certain map...
As in the topic, the gpu useage is low in that particular game (PUB:G) it's around 40W. In other games it's all right and graphics card uses his full power if it's needed. I tested that in CS2 and World of tanks. Can someone help me with that? My setup: CPU: Ryzen ...