1.两款插件都能够高亮显示期刊影响因子、分区等信息;文章详情页面可一键下载sci-hub论文(如果有);可按照分区进行筛选; 2.Scholarscope功能更丰富,如可以自定义影响因子筛选区间,做简单标注和高亮等; 3.Scholarscope收费(新用户14天免费,但收费很便宜,大概一两块每月的样子,建议有需要时充就行,不要长期),GoingMed目...
SCI-HUB:https://sci-hub.ren/ SCI-HUB界面非常简单,只要输入论文的题目或者DOI号就能够下载论文。 但有几个缺点:不支持关键词搜索、域名实时更新、网络延迟。 Pubmedplus:https://pubmedplus.com Pubmedplus不仅在电脑端可以使用,在手机端也是一个非常强大的神器,并...
Welcome to our PUBG Hub, G. We're a UK Based PUBG Discord Server. All skill levels are welcome. We're a friendly bunch, don't take things TOO seriously and are always online. Join us for a quick Duo or an all day Squad session. ...
安装好插件后,Pubmed 中文献下方会显示JCR 分区,影响因子,引用次数,SCI-HUB 直达链接,PDF 下载链接、引用信息和收藏夹。这些显示内容是默认选项,可以点击浏览器右上角插件图标,选择「More Options」进行添加或删减,比如可以加入中科院分区等内容。 图片来源:网页截图 SCI-Hub Link按钮可以直达文献下载链接,并且在设置...
Beyond device control, PubNub also streams device state from the Hub to the smartphone application. This enables users to monitor the status of devices in their home in realtime, such as temperature, or whether the lights are turned on and off. Overall, PubNub’s realtime data streaming ...
除了Sci-Hub,免费文献下载还有谁? 1Web of science 一文包会:Web of Science数据库使用秘籍! 1.登录权限 有购买WOS权限的学校,可直接在学校或图书馆内网使用;没有权限,可在某宝上寻找WOS账号。 2.WOS的使用 ①在可供选择的诸多数据库中,选择“所有数据库”。
我发现在zotero里面,可以用zotero+它的浏览器插件+它的sic-hub的插件,先把在某网站(如pubmed)检索的保存进zotero,然后用sci-hub插件把sci-hub里有的自动下载,没有的再自己去下。 2024-05-12· 北京 回复2 Julin 作者 endnote可以实现批量下载 2023-12-31· 河南 回复喜欢 小飞鱼 收费的...
Then scaling up the services, which PubHub handles out of the box for us. So, when there will be more users, they will have to scale the service up and things like that. So, it's something that PubNub handles out of the box, and they don't need to really worry about that. ...
Today, when we have integrations that don't leverage those transmission facilitators, like an MQ Hub or Solace event mesh, those integrations are much harder to get approved because we have to dive into the security, access controls, encryption, and all that other stuff. *Disclosure: Peer...
Read Light Novel & Web Novel Translations Online For FREE! Your fictional stories hub Looking for a great place to read Light Novels? Light Novel Pub is a very special platform where you can read the translated versions of world famous Japanese, Chinese and Korean light novels in English. ...