针对你提出的“pub get failed (server unavailable)”问题,这里有几个可能的解决方案,你可以按照以下步骤逐一尝试: 确认网络连接状态: 确保你的设备已连接到互联网,并且网络连接是稳定的。你可以尝试访问其他网站或使用其他网络工具来检查网络连接是否正常。 检查pub服务器状态: 有时候,pub服务器可能会暂时不可用或维...
PUB_HOSTED_URL:https://pub.flutter-io.cnFLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL:https://storage.flutter-io.cn 镜像需要设置到环境变量中 ; 一、 报错信息 使用命令行创建 Flutter 应用 , 命令如下 : 代码语言:javascript 复制 flutter create flutter_cmd 创建一个 Flutter 应用 , 应用名称是 flutter_cmd ; 报错信息 :...
回到顶部 解决方法 更换国内代理镜像 添加环境变量(用户变量或系统变量都可以) PUB_HOSTED_URL=https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/dart-pubFLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL=https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/flutter 回到顶部 其他镜像 https://flutter.cn/community/china 上海交大 Linux 用户组 PUB_HOSTED_URL...
pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 1 in 1 second... Because flutter_cmd depends on cupertino_icons any which doesn't exist (could not find package cupertino_icons at https://storage.flutter-io.cn), version solving failed. pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempti...
export PUB_HOSTED_URL=https://pub.flutter-io.cn export FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL=https://storage.flutter-io.cn windows: PUB_HOSTED_URL === https://pub.flutter-io.cn FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL === https://storage.flutter-io.cn flutter doctor flutter pub get...
pubgetfailed(server unavailable)--attempting retry2in2seconds...Couldnot resolve URL"https://pub.flutter-io.cn".pubgetfailed(server unavailable)--attempting retry3in4seconds...Couldnot resolve URL"https://pub.flutter-io.cn".pubgetfailed(server unavailable)--attempting retry4in8seconds...Could...
Git error. Command: `git fetch` stdout: stderr: fatal: unable to connect to github.com: github.com[0:]: errno=Unknown error exit code: 128 pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 1 in 1 second... Git error. Command: `git fetch` stdout: stderr: fatal...
, errno = 121, address = storage.googleapis.com, port = 53515 pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 1 in 1 second... 我正在尝试以某种方式解决此问题,但未能解决。我正在做 flutter clean,flutter upgrade 并在最后重新启动 android studio,同样的问题发生了。 在我在项目的依赖项...
当我在终端运行时 flutter pub get 被卡住了 操作系统 MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 Got TLS error trying to find package launch_review at https://pub.dartlang.org. pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 1 in 1 second... Got socket error trying to find package launch_review at ...
pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 1 in 1 second... Running "flutter pub get" in huell_art... (This is taking an unexpectedly long time.) 同时所有的引用都是红色的,不能运行。如下图~, 我检查了网络,可以访问google,而且网速正常。 夏目鲸鱼 2020-12-06 17:31:15 ...