we'll provide our sponsors with a 300x250 banner space for 30 days on all three of our sites: CMS Report, socPub, and the After Work Pub. We will then need to contact each other so you can provide us an image of your banner. We'll also provide a SEO friendly link from the bann...
pwtsz The size of the highest/winning bid WxH: 300x250 Partner Adapters and Auction Logic Partner Parameters Here are the details on what partners are supported by Wrapper Tag Solution and various optional/mandatory partner parameters required to make a bid request: Common Parameters ConfigValueMand...
"adSlot": "AdTag_Div1@300x250", "publisherId": " 999 ", "keywords": [{ "key": "pmZoneID", "value": ["Zone1", "Zone2"] }, { "key": "preference", "value": ["sports", "movies"] } ], "wrapper": { "version": 1, "profile": 5123 } } } }], "device":{ "ua"...
A. φ108x950 B. Φφ108×φ194×780 C. Φ89x750 D. Φ108x1150 查看完整题目与答案 5#栈桥6#皮带上调偏托辊型号() A. φ108x950 B. Φφ133×φ194×550 C. Φ89x750 D. Φ108x1150 查看完整题目与答案 5#栈桥6#皮带型号为() A. EP100 B. EP200 C. ...
Outside Dimensions (LxWxH) 13000,12500X2500X4000,3800,3600,3400,3200 (mm) Interior Dimensions (LxWxH) 12850,12350X2340X2600,2400,2200,2000,1800 (mm) Material of the Main Beam Q345B manganese plates, automatic submerged arc welded Brake System Dual line braking sy...
90 m/min Solid State High Frequency Welding 250 / TG76 31.8 - 89.0 mm 25 x 25 - 70 x 70 mm 20 x 30 - 100 x 40 mm 1.0 - 3.75 mm 4.0 - 10.0 meters Max. 80 m/min Solid State High Frequency Welding 300 / TG89 38.1 - 102.0 mm 30 x 30 - 80 ...
虎形项链(系列:无系列作品), 2010绘画, 木板丙稀、油彩及其它, 400x500mm艺术家: 王亚彬帆船(系列:无系列作品), 2009绘画, 布面丙稀、油彩及其它, 300x400mm艺术家: 王亚彬海螺女郎的日出(系列:无系列作品), 2009绘画, 布面丙稀、油彩及其它, 1500x2000mm艺术家: 王亚彬...
服务内容 工程改造范围为巫溪县桥南街老磷肥厂片区老旧小区300栋建筑,涉及住宅楼栋建筑面积约120000平方米,居民1096户。主要建设内容包括车行道改造8412平方米、院坝平整4510平方米、绿化补建1535平方米、雨污管网改造11265米、燃气管网新建10870米、供水管网改造9885米、供电管网改造11642米、线缆规整11350米、消防管网新...
• 当要抬起单格移位分类纸盘时 请握住纸盘的两侧 如果握住单 格移位分类纸盘的下面 一旦手 被夹在单格移位分类纸盘和打印 机之间 则可能造成受伤 ZKGX300E 38 ZKGX170E F 将上纸盘推入单格移位分类纸盘 ZKGX180E G 将接口电缆连接到打印机 H 将打印机的电源线插头插入墙壁电 源插座 然后打开电源开...
RMI4 by default Input: gpio_keys - replace zero-length array with flexible-array member Input: goldfish_events - replace zero-length array with flexible-array member Input: psmouse - switch to using i2c_new_scanned_device() Input: ili210x - add ili2120 support Input: ili210x - fix ...