VISCA / ONVIF 紫外線 Yes UAC公司 Yes DC 在 12V +/- 20% 功率消耗 PoE: 9W DC In: 8W 機身顏色 Black / White 重量 3.1 lbs (1.4 kg) 尺寸 7.5” x 7.3” x 5.4” (190 ×185 ×138 mm) 文件下載 文件更新時間 VC-R31 下載資源2024-09-12...
对于BLDC 电机,还有另一种控制选项。磁场定向控制(FOC)(也称为矢量控制(VC))旨在解决与反馈更新速率和分辨率以及编码器成本和安装问题相关的问题。 简而言之,FOC是一种用于电机的电流调节方案,它使用磁场的方向和电机转子的位置。它基于“简单”的观察,即两个力分量作用在电动机的转子上。一个组件,称为直接或 ID...
The camera will capture both the content on the display and the presenter. Super Tracking This mode intelligently combines all of the modes above, enabling the speaker to present formally or interact with panelists and the audience. Smart Self-Switching The VC-TR1 combines a PTZ camera and a ...
高 清 攝 像 機 (PTZ Video Camera) 使用手 VC-A51P/ VC-A51PN 高清攝像機 (PTZ Video Camera)使用手冊-繁體中文 [重要]最新版本之快速操作手冊、各國語系的使用手冊、軟體、驅動程式等,請至Lumens網站下載 NDI® is a registered trademark of Vizrt Group ...
VC Camera Crestron Control ModuleLumens SoftwareSeptember 29, 2022下載 Virtual Camera (Windows)_1.0.6Lumens SoftwareJuly 15, 2022下載 VMS 5.0-Windows-V5.0.5Lumens SoftwareOctober 08, 2021下載 AMX Module Driver for Lumens PTZ CameraLumens SoftwareJanuary 22, 2021下載 ...
GRC, GTVC series of long-distance vehicle mounted multi-sensor optical system day/night laser thermal camera. It consists of thermal imaging cameras, HD visible light cameras, laser illuminator, laser ranging, dynamic organization, precision gears, CCD camera, digital decoder, hi...
GRC, GTVC series of long-distance vehicle mounted multi-sensor optical systemday/night laser thermal camera. It consists of thermal imaging cameras, HD visible light cameras, laser illuminator, laser ranging, dynamic organization, precision gears, CCD camera, digital decoder,...
VC-B30U高清摄像机(PTZ Video Camera)安装手册说明书 VC-B30U 高清摄像机 (PTZ Video Camera)安装手册-简体中文 [重要]
Lumens VC-B30U PTZ Video Camera 安装指南说明书 VC-B30U PTZ Video Camera Installation Guide - English [Important]
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