pty ltd是有限公司的意思。以下是详细的解释:pty是private company的简称,表示私营企业。Ltd是limited liability company的缩写,意为有限责任公司。当pty和Ltd结合在一起时,代表了一个私有的有限责任公司。这种公司在法律结构上与股份有限公司类似,但又有其独特的特点。有限公司的股东对公司的债务承担有...
pty ltd是有限公司的意思。以下是详细的解释:pty是private company的简称,表示私营企业。Ltd是limited liability company的缩写,意为有限责任公司。当pty和Ltd结合在一起时,代表的是一个私人的有限责任公司,也就是通常所说的有限公司。这种公司在法律结构上,是指由一定数量的股东组成,股东对公司的债...
PTY LTD代表私人有限公司。详细解释如下:一、PTY LTD的基本含义 PTY LTD是“Private Limited Company”的缩写,中文翻译为“私人有限公司”。这是一种特定的企业组织形式,结合了私营和有限公司的特点。二、私营公司的特点 私营公司最显著的特点是其所有权归属于私人。这意味着公司的...
Henkel Australia Pty Ltd is a foreign-owned private company, deriving revenue from the manufacture, import and distribution of personal care, industrial adhesives, applied chemical technology products and laundry homecare products. The company employs approximately 320 people, operates in Australia, and ...
Type: Private company. Example: Philips BV. S.p.A. (Società per Azioni): Meaning: A joint-stock company or corporation. Use: Commonly used in Italy. Type: Public company. Example: Fiat S.p.A. 中文解释: Ltd(有限责任公司): 含义:具有有限责任的公司。
PTY是英语Proprietary(私人拥有的)的简称 表明该企业为私人企业 Pty.Co. Proprietany Company 澳洲、南非等国的公司 Ltd.;Ld. limited 有限公司 一个专有的有限责任公司或简写为Pty有限公司公司根据澳大利亚法律是一个业务架构已至少有一股东与数量有限的股票。呃 上面这些是我复制别人的 前面的...
DP World Australia (Holding) Pty Ltd is a foreign owned private company whose general operations consists of the operation and management of container terminals at Brisbane, Fremantle, Melbourne, and Sydney. The company employs approximately 1,930 people throughout Australia and is administered from ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Pty Also found in:Acronyms,Wikipedia. Pty abbreviation for (Stock Exchange) proprietary: used to denote a private limited company Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 200...
SM Bhiyoza Pty ltd is made up of group of private companies trading together as partnership through its widest form of global business. SM Bhiyoza Pty Ltd known as a member of CIPC with the ambition of becoming a premier supplier of Minerals & Metallurgy and agro products. Over a decade ...